Deren, Maya

Deren, Maya

American director and actress
original name  Eleanora Derenkowsky 
born April 29, 1917, Kiev, Ukraine
died Oct. 13, 1961, New York, N.Y., U.S.

      influential director and performer who is often called themotherof American avant-garde filmmaking. Her films are not only poetic but instructive, offering insight into the human body and pysche and demonstrating the potential of film to explore these subjects.

      Deren immigrated to the United States with her parents in 1922. Although the family settled in Syracuse, New York, Deren attended secondary school at the League of Nations School in Geneva, Switzerland. She then studied journalism at Syracuse University (193335), where she became active in the socialist movement. She graduated from New York University in 1936 and received an M.A. in literature from Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts, in 1939.

      Having become interested in modern dance, Deren began working for choreographer Katherine Dunham (Dunham, Katherine). In 1941, while on tour in Los Angeles with Dunham and her dance troupe, Deren met Alexander Hammid, a Czech filmmaker. Deren and Hammid married the next year, and in 1943 they codirected Meshes of the Afternoon. They shot the film in their own home, with Hammid serving as cinematographer and Deren playing the central character (Hammid appears in a smaller role). The film's innovative camera work and narrative structure depict a web of dream events that move between subjective and objective experience. One of the most influential works of American experimental film, it has been credited with establishing the avant-garde film movement in the United States.

      Deren completed five more short films before her death and left several unfinished works. Her first film as sole director was At Land (1944). As in Meshes, Deren appeared as the protagonist and used imaginative editing and camera techniques to express a trance state in which time and space are transformed. She described A Study in Choreography for Camera (1945) as a pas de deux for one dancer and one camera and characterized Ritual in Transfigured Time (1946)—which also utilized dance and in which she appearedas being about the nature and process of change. She continued to explore the concept of creating a truly cinematic form of dance (as opposed to simply recording a performance) in her last two films, Meditation on Violence (1948), a study of movement in Chinese martial arts and her first picture with sound, and The Very Eye of Night (1954), which features choreography by Antony Tudor (Tudor, Antony).

      Deren's interest in dance and ritual led her to travel to Haiti in 1947 to research and film voudoun culture. She actively participated in voudoun rituals and became convinced of the integrity and reality of voudoun mythology. Although she never completed her planned film on the subject, her book, Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti (1953), was a well-regarded ethnographic study.

      In addition to her filmmaking, Deren lectured, taught, and wrote extensively on independent film. As part of her dedicated promotion of film as an art form and of avant-garde film, she founded the Creative Film Foundation, which provided funding and support for independent filmmakers. Her major theoretical work, An Anagram of Ideas on Art, Form and Film, was published in 1946.

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