Dentatus, Manius Curius

Dentatus, Manius Curius

Roman general
died 270 BC

      Roman general, conqueror of the Samnites and victor against Pyrrhus, king of Epirus.

      Dentatus was born into a plebeian family that was possibly Sabine in origin. As consul in 290 BC, he gained a decisive victory over the Samnites (Samnite), thereby ending a war that had lasted 50 years. The same year, he also reduced the Sabine insurgents to submission and granted them civitas sine suffragio (“citizenship without the right to vote”). In 284 he defeated the invading Senones. After Pyrrhus had returned from Sicily to Italy (275), Dentatus, once again consul, finally defeated him near Beneventum (now Benevento). Dentatus was consul for the fourth and last time in 274, the year he conquered the Lucanians. During his term as censor, 272, he began to build an aqueduct to carry the waters of the Anio River into the city but died before its completion. Later writers idealized Dentatus as a model of old Roman simplicity and frugality.

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