Democratic Unionist Party

Democratic Unionist Party


      unionist party in Northern Ireland. The DUP was cofounded by Ian Paisley (Paisley, Ian), who led it from 1971 to 2008. The party traditionally competes for votes among Northern Ireland's unionist Protestant community with the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP).

      Founded in 1971 by a hard-line faction of the UUP, the DUP contested its first election in 1973, winning approximately 4 percent of the vote in local council elections and 11 percent in elections for the new Northern Ireland Assembly. The party strongly condemned the proposal to form a power-sharing executive body, the Northern Ireland Executive, from members of the assembly. It also opposed the 1973 Sunningdale Agreement, which proposed the creation of a cross-border “Council of Ireland” to oversee a limited range of economic and cultural affairs in Northern Ireland and the Irish republic. The agreement led to a crippling general strike by Protestant trade unionists in 1974—which the DUP supported—and eventually to the resignation of the executive government and the return of direct rule by Britain.

      In 1975 the DUP contested elections as part of the United Ulster Unionist Council (UUUC) alliance, which rejected the notion of sharing power with the nationalist (and largely Roman Catholic) Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP). The UUUC dissolved over controversy surrounding an abortive general strike in 1977, and the DUP operated independently until 1986, when it began cooperating with the UUP to oppose the Anglo-Irish Agreement of the previous year. Paisley worked closely with UUP leader James Molyneaux in talks held in 1991–92 between Northern Ireland's major parties and the British and Irish governments. The UUP and DUP took increasingly divergent stances in multiparty talks in the mid-1990s, and the DUP boycotted the talks when Sinn Féin was admitted in 1997. The product of the talks, the Good Friday Agreement (Belfast Agreement) (1998) on steps leading to a new power-sharing government in Northern Ireland, was rejected by the DUP, which denounced the new Northern Ireland Assembly as a dilution of British sovereignty and objected to the inclusion of Sinn Féin in the assembly and the new executive body (the Northern Ireland Executive Committee) and to the release of paramilitary prisoners. Nevertheless, the DUP did contest elections for the assembly held in June 1998, winning 20 seats (18.5 percent of the vote). As the assembly's third largest party, the DUP was given two ministerial seats on the Executive and directed 2 of 10 government departments, though it declined to participate fully in Executive affairs and failed to attend cabinet meetings of the Executive.

      The DUP received its largest share of the vote (nearly 34 percent) in 1984, when Paisley was reelected as a member of the European Parliament. At the local level, the party's support gradually declined from its high point of nearly 27 percent in local council elections in 1981. In 1997 the party won about 14 percent of the vote in parliamentary elections and 16 percent in local elections. As opposition to the Good Friday Agreement among Protestants increased at the end of the 1990s, the DUP challenged the UUP for dominance among Northern Ireland's unionist voters, winning more than 22 percent of the vote in Northern Ireland in elections to the House of Commons in 2001. In the Northern Ireland Assembly elections in 2003 the DUP eclipsed the UUP as Northern Ireland's largest unionist party and in the British general election in 2005 won nine seats to the UUP's one. Its success continued in the 2007 Northern Ireland Assembly elections, when it won 30 percent of the vote and twice as many seats (36 to 18) as the UUP; Sinn Féin finished second overall with 28 seats. The DUP and Sinn Féin agreed to form a power-sharing government, with Paisley and Sinn Féin's Martin McGuinness serving as first minister and deputy first minister, respectively. Paisley stepped down as first minister and as DUP leader in June 2008, when he turned over power to his longtime deputy, Peter Robinson.

Policy and structure
      The DUP describes itself as “right wing in the sense of being strong on the constitution,” but “to the left on social policies,” though it has regularly adopted conservative positions on most social issues. Its constituency spans rural communities in Northern Ireland and inner-city working-class areas and includes some deeply religious groups, a fact that reflects the fundamentalism and anti-Catholicism of the party's leader. The DUP staunchly supports union with Britain. Citing the territorial claims in the Irish constitution, which the party viewed as illegal and a threat to the security and religious freedom of Protestants in Northern Ireland, the DUP traditionally avoided all contact with the Irish government. In the early 21st century, however, the party moderated its stance on a number of issues, most notably its longtime opposition to Sinn Féin's participation in any power-sharing institution.

      The DUP is organized at local, constituency, and province-wide levels. The Executive Committee—which contains five members from each British parliamentary constituency as well as party leaders and delegates from the party's university and youth organizations—runs the day-to-day business of the party and chooses party officers. Party policy is drawn up by party officers and ratified by the Executive.

Paul Arthur Kimberly Cowell-Meyers

Additional Reading
Steve Bruce, God Save Ulster: The Religion and Politics of Paisleyism (1986, reissued 1989), is probably the most rounded and sympathetic discussion of Paisley's views. Also of note are Ed Moloney and Andy Pollak, Paisley (1986); and Feargal Cochrane, Unionist Politics and the Politics of Unionism Since the Anglo-Irish Agreement (1997).

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Universalium. 2010.

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