Delescluze, Charles

Delescluze, Charles

French revolutionary figure
born Oct. 2, 1809, Dreux, Fr.
died May 25, 1871, Paris

      French revolutionary figure who participated in the uprisings of 1830 and 1848 and who was an important leader in the Paris Commune (1871).

      Delescluze, an ardent radical republican, was still a student during the popular uprisings of 1830. As an activist in the secret republican society Amis du Peuple (Friends of the People), he was implicated in an abortive attempt to assassinate King Louis-Philippe (1832) and was forced to flee to Brussels, where he remained until 1841.

      Upon his return to France, Delescluze settled in Valenciennes and edited a radical journal, L'Impartial du Nord (“The Impartial of the North”). When the July Monarchy fell in 1848, he was active in the revolutionary movements in the north. He went to Paris soon after and founded the journal La Révolution Démocratique et Sociale, which he used as a forum for attacks on Louis-Napoléon. Implicated in the radical uprising of June 13, 1849, he again became an exile, this time in England. He slipped back into France in 1853 but was arrested and sent to the prison colony in French Guiana. He recorded these experiences in De Paris à Cayenne, journal d'un transporté (1869; “From Paris to Cayenne, Journal of a Convict”).

      After his release from prison Delescluze continued his journalistic attacks on the Second Empire. He escaped a brief imprisonment and, after the emperor abdicated in 1870, was elected to the new National Assembly of 1871. Inspired by the revolt of the Paris Commune of 1871, Delescluze was quick to join it. After heroic but fruitless attempts to sustain the revolt, he was killed on the barricades.

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