

king of Galatia
died 40 BC

      tetrarch of the Tolistobogii (of western Galatia, now in western Turkey), later king of all Galatia, who, as a faithful ally of the Romans, became involved in the struggles between the Roman generals that led to the fall of the republic.

      At the beginning of the Third Mithradatic War (74), Deiotarus drove the invading troops of Mithradates VI of Pontus from Phrygia. For this support, Pompey (Pompey the Great) (Gnaeus Pompeius) rewarded him in 64 with the title of king and with part of eastern Pontus. In addition, the Senate granted him Lesser Armenia and most of Galatia.

      Siding with Pompey and the Optimates against Julius Caesar (Caesar, Julius) in the Civil War (4945), Deiotarus escaped with his ally to Asia after the defeat at Pharsalus in 48. The next year the king was pardoned by Caesar. As a consequence of the complaints of certain Galatian princes, however, Deiotarus was deprived of part of his dominions.

      In 45, Deiotarus was accused at Rome of having attempted to murder Caesar when the dictator was his guest in Galatia. Cicero undertook Deiotarus' defense, but the assassination of Caesar in 44 prevented a verdict. Then Mark Antony (Antony, Mark), bribed with a large sum of money, announced that Caesar had left instructions that specified Deiotarus was to resume rule of his former possessions. Nevertheless, Deiotarus continued to support the anti-Caesarian party until its defeat at Philippi (42), when he went over to the triumvirs. He remained in possession of his kingdom until his death.

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