

Dacian king
died 106

      king of the Dacians, a people who lived in the territory known presently as Romania.

      Decebalus unified the various Dacian tribes into one nation and led them in wars against the Roman emperors Domitian and Trajan. When Decebalus came to power in 85, he immediately organized an army and attacked the Roman province of Moesia (southeastern Balkans), killing its governor, Oppius Sabinus. In 86 or 87 Decebalus annihilated a Roman army under Cornelius Fuscus, Domitian's praetorian praefect, but he was severely defeated by Tettius Julianus in 88. Fortunately for Decebalus, a pretender rebelled against Domitian and the German tribes on the Danube chose this moment to revolt against Rome. These new dangers caused Domitian to come to terms quickly with Decebalus (89) and to provide the Dacians with an annual subsidy and the loan of engineers in exchange for recognition of Roman overlordship.

      In 101 Trajan led an invasion of Dacia (First Dacian War). The capital of Sarmizegethusa (in modern Romania) was captured, and Decebalus was forced in 102 to accept Roman occupation garrisons. In 105 Decebalus defeated the occupation forces and invaded Moesia (Second Dacian War). But, after Trajan seized Sarmizegethusa a second time (106), the defeated king committed suicide, and in 107 Dacia became a Roman province. Although Trajan's own account of his Dacian wars has been lost, Trajan's Column in Rome preserves depictions of the conflict.

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