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Lobately — Lo bate*ly, adv. As a lobe; so as to make a lobe; in a lobate manner. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lobately — lo·bate·ly … English syllables
lobately — adverb see lobate … Useful english dictionary
lobate — lobately, adv. /loh bayt/, adj. 1. having a lobe or lobes; lobed. 2. having the form of a lobe. 3. Ornith. noting or pertaining to a foot in which the individual toes have membranous flaps along the sides. Also, lobated. [1750 60; < NL lobatus.… … Universalium
lobate — /ˈloʊbeɪt/ (say lohbayt) adjective 1. having a lobe or lobes; lobed. 2. having the form of a lobe. 3. Ornithology denoting or relating to a foot in which the individual toes have membranous flaps along the sides. Also, lobated. {New Latin lobātus …
lobate — [lō′bāt΄] adj. [ModL lobatus] having or formed into a lobe or lobes lobately adv … English World dictionary