

       landskap (province), southwestern Sweden, on the Norwegian border, one of the smaller traditional provinces in the country. It is bounded to the east by Lake Vänern (Väner, Lake), to the west by Norway and the province of Bohuslän, and to the north by the province of Värmland. Dalsland is included in the administrative län (county) of Västra Götaland. Dalsland's landscape has great contrasts, ranging from flatland in the southeast to forests, mountains, and lakes in the rest of the province.

      Because of its location, Dalsland was often involved in warfare between Sweden and Norway, but only for a short time (c. 1100) did it belong to the latter. Toward the end of the 19th century, with the decline of the important iron industry of the previous two centuries and the failure of antiquated farming methods to meet the needs of the growing population, there was mass emigration to the United States and Norway. To curb this trend, new industries were started, including sawmilling, metalworking, and the manufacture of wood pulp and paper. Dalsland has rail connections with Norway and the neighbouring provinces. The Göta River carries shipping between Lake Vänern and the port city of Göteborg on the Kattegat (strait), and the Dalsland Canal, built in the 1860s, makes it possible to travel by water from Lake Vänern to the Norwegian border. Åmål has a good harbour on Lake Vänern and maintains regular communications with harbours in Great Britain and on the Continent. Other important towns are Mellerud and Bengtsfors.

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