cushion moss

cushion moss

also called  white moss 

      any of the plants of the genus Leucobryum (subclass Bryidae), which form tufts resembling giant grayish white pincushions in moist woods or swampy areas. Three or more species are native to North America. Cushion moss grows in dense clumps ranging from a few centimetres to a metre (1 or 2 inches to more than a yard) in diameter and from 3 to 10 cm (1 to 4 inches) high. The clumps can absorb and retain water. They detach easily and may lie on the soil surface. New plants are formed vegetatively from female plants at the edges of each tuft; clusters of rootlike structures in the terminal phyllid (leaf) clusters fall and root, forming new cushions. Cushion mosses have lance-shaped phyllids with sharp tips and reddish brown capsules (spore cases), seldom seen, which ripen in autumn.

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Universalium. 2010.

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