Curtiss Model E flying boat

Curtiss Model E flying boat

 aircraft designed and built by American aeronautics pioneer Glenn Hammond Curtiss (Curtiss, Glenn Hammond) and first flown in 1912. Although the French aviation pioneer Henri Farman (Farman, Henri) had flown off the water in 1910, the Curtiss Model E of 1912 was the first truly successful flying boat. (See also history of flight (flight, history of).)

      The Model E followed the development of the standard Model D (1911) and the earliest Curtiss experiments in off-the-water flying (1910–12). Like earlier Curtiss machines, it was a braced biplane featuring interplane ailerons (aileron) designed to avoid the provisions of the Wright brothers (Wright, Wilbur and Orville)' patent. The pilot was seated in an early version of the “step hull” with standpipes, features designed to assist in breaking the suction of the water during takeoff. Curtiss successfully patented the hull innovations introduced on the Model E. The final version of the aircraft had a maximum speed of some 52 miles (84 km) per hour.

      As initially constructed, the Model E featured a canard, or forward elevator, in addition to the standard elevator at the rear. When it was discovered that the canard created control difficulties, the forward surface was removed. Other alterations were featured in later versions of the Model E. A final, amphibious version featured retractable wheels.

      The 1912 Model E was the first in a long series of flying boats on which Curtiss would build his fame and fortune. The C-1, the first U.S. Navy aircraft featuring a boat-hull, was a military version of the Model E.

Tom D. Crouch

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Universalium. 2010.

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