Curl, Robert F., Jr.

Curl, Robert F., Jr.

American chemist
in full  Robert Floyd Curl, Jr.  
born Aug. 23, 1933, Alice, Texas, U.S.

      American chemist who with Richard E. Smalley (Smalley, Richard E.) and Sir Harold W. Kroto (Kroto, Sir Harold W.) discovered the first fullerene, a spherical cluster of carbon atoms, in 1985. The discovery opened a new branch of chemistry, and all three men were awarded the 1996 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for their work.

      Curl studied at Rice University (B.A., 1954) in Houston, Texas, and then completed his doctoral studies in chemistry at the University of California at Berkeley in 1957. He joined the faculty at Rice in 1958. In September 1985 Curl met with Kroto of the University of Sussex, Eng., and Smalley, a colleague at Rice, and, in 11 days of research, they discovered fullerenes. They announced their findings to the public in the Nov. 14, 1985, issue of the journal Nature.

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  • Curl , Robert Floyd Jnr — (1933–) American chemist Curl was educated at Rice University, Texas, and the University of California, Berkeley, where he gained his PhD in 1957. After working at Harvard he returned to Rice in 1967 as professor of chemistry. Curl s initial work …   Scientists

  • Curl, Robert — ► (n. 1923) Químico estadounidense. En 1996 fue galardonado con el premio Nobel de Química, conjuntamente con R. Smalley y H. Kroto, por el descubrimiento del fureleno, nueva estructura del carbono en estado puro …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Curl — Curl, Robert …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Curl — Curl,   Robert F., amerikanischer Chemiker, * Alice (Texas) 23. 8. 1933; seit 1967 Professor an der Rice University in Houston. Curl war 1985 an der Entdeckung der Fullerene in kondensiertem Graphitdampf beteiligt und erhielt dafür mit Sir H. W.… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Curl — Robert Floyd Jnr …   Scientists

  • Robert Curl — noun American chemist who with Richard Smalley and Harold Kroto discovered fullerenes and opened a new branch of chemistry (born in 1933) • Syn: ↑Curl, ↑Robert F. Curl, ↑Robert Floyd Curl Jr. • Instance Hypernyms: ↑chemist …   Useful english dictionary

  • Robert F. Curl — noun American chemist who with Richard Smalley and Harold Kroto discovered fullerenes and opened a new branch of chemistry (born in 1933) • Syn: ↑Curl, ↑Robert Curl, ↑Robert Floyd Curl Jr. • Instance Hypernyms: ↑chemist …   Useful english dictionary

  • Robert Floyd Curl Jr. — noun American chemist who with Richard Smalley and Harold Kroto discovered fullerenes and opened a new branch of chemistry (born in 1933) • Syn: ↑Curl, ↑Robert Curl, ↑Robert F. Curl • Instance Hypernyms: ↑chemist …   Useful english dictionary

  • Robert F. Curl — Robert Floyd Curl, Jr. (* 23. August 1933 in Alice, Texas) ist ein US amerikanischer Chemiker. Curl ist emeritierter Professor für Chemie an der Rice University. Zusammen mit Richard E. Smalley und Harold Kroto wurde er für die Entdeckung der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Robert F. Curl — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Robert Floyd Curl (*Alice (Texas), EE.UU., 23 de agosto de 1933) es un químico y profesor universitario estadounidense galardonado con el Premio Nobel de Química del año 1996. Biografía Estudió química en la… …   Wikipedia Español

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