

      megye (county), southeastern Hungary. It is bordered by the counties of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok to the north and Békés to the east, by Romania and Serbia to the south, and by the county of Bács-Kiskun to the west. Szeged is the county seat. In addition to Szeged, the major cities are Szentes, Hódmezővásárhely, Csongrád, and Makó. About two-thirds of the population lives in these five major cities.

      The county lies in the southern part of the Great Alfold (Great Hungarian Plain, or Nagy Magyar Alföld). The extensive plains here slope toward the Tisza River, which bisects the county. It is the lowest-lying area of the country. About three-fifths of Csongrád's territory is arable, and agriculture is the county's economic linchpin. Swamp-draining projects have added large tracts of cultivable land, and water-conservation works have reduced the danger of crop losses from severe drought. Light soils and the hot, dry summers favour the cultivation of paprika. Corn (maize), rye, onions, poultry, and fruit are other major crops. Commercial freshwater fishing is significant in the artificial lakes and the Tisza River. Petroleum exploitation in the region is extensive. In the 1970s oil fields were developed at Kiskunhales and Algyő. Significant industries include food processing and the manufacture of construction materials (bricks, tiles).

      According to traditional history, the village Ópusztaszer was the site of the first council of the seven conquering Magyar tribes that formed the Árpád dynasty in the late 9th century. A national memorial park and museum commemorate the site. Szeged is home to the University of Szeged (established in 1921) and the Biological Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (established in 1973). Area 1,646 square miles (4,263 square km). Pop. (2004 est.) 426,000.

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