Cram, Donald J.

Cram, Donald J.

American chemist
in full  Donald James Cram 
born April 22, 1919, Chester, Vermont, U.S.
died June 17, 2001, Palm Desert, California

      American chemist who, along with Charles J. Pedersen (Pedersen, Charles J.) and Jean-Marie Lehn (Lehn, Jean-Marie), was awarded the 1987 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his creation of molecules that mimic the chemical behaviour of molecules found in living systems.

      Cram was educated at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida, and at the University of Nebraska, and he received a doctorate in organic chemistry from Harvard University in 1947. He joined the faculty of the University of California at Los Angeles in 1947 and became a full professor there in 1956 and emeritus in 1990.

      Cram amplified and expanded upon Pedersen's ground-breaking synthesis of the crown ethersbasically two-dimensional organic compounds that are able to recognize and selectively combine with the ions of certain metal elements. Cram synthesized molecules that took this chemistry into three dimensions, creating an array of differently shaped molecules that could interact selectively with other chemicals because of their complementary three-dimensional structures. His work represents a large step toward the synthesis of functional laboratory-made mimics of enzymes and other natural molecules whose special chemical behaviour is due to their characteristic structure.

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  • Cram, Donald James — ▪ 2002       American chemist (b. April 22, 1919, Chester, Vt. d. June 17, 2001, Palm Desert, Calif.), was awarded the 1987 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his development of ways to build molecules that could mimic the functioning of molecules in… …   Universalium

  • Cram , Donald James — (1919–) American chemist Born in Chester, Vermont, Cram was educated at the University of Nebraska and at Harvard, where he completed his PhD in 1947. He moved immediately to the University of California, Los Angeles, where he served as professor …   Scientists

  • Cram, Donald J. — ► (n. 1919) Científico estadounidense. Fue premio Nobel de Química, compartido con Jean Marie Lehn y Ch. J. Pedersen, por sus trabajos de síntesis de moléculas …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Cram — Cram, Donald J …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Donald J. Cram — Donald James Cram Born April 22, 1919 Chester, Vermont Died June 17, 2001 (aged 82) Palm Desert, California[1] …   Wikipedia

  • Donald Cram — Donald J. Cram Pour les articles homonymes, voir Cram. Donald J. Cram Naissance 22 avril 1919 Chester, Vermont (États Unis) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Donald James Cram — Donald J. Cram Pour les articles homonymes, voir Cram. Donald J. Cram Naissance 22 avril 1919 Chester, Vermont (États Unis) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Donald James Cram — (* 22. April 1919 in Chester, Vermont; † 17. Juni 2001 in Palm Desert, Kalifornien) war ein amerikanischer Chemiker und Chemienobelpreis Träger. Cram studierte Chemie am Rollins College, Florida und an der Universität Nebraska. Nach der Promotion …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • CRAM — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Donald J. Cram (1919–2001), US amerikanischer Chemiker George F. Cram (1842–1928), US amerikanischer Offizier, Firmengründer und Verleger George Henry Cram (1838–1872), Brigadegeneral im Sezessionskrieg… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cram — Donald James …   Scientists

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