Coypel, Antoine

Coypel, Antoine

French artist
born April 12, 1661, Paris, France
died Jan. 7, 1722, Paris
 French painter who was an important influence in encouraging the Baroque style in French art.

      Coypel was an artistic prodigy. At the age of 11 he went to Rome with his father, Noël Coypel (Coypel, Noël), who was appointed director of the French Academy there. After three years in Rome, Antoine spent one year in northern Italy studying Correggio and the Bolognese and Venetian schools. In 1676 he returned to Paris, where in 1681 he was received as a member of the French Royal Academy with his work Louis XIV Resting After the Peace of Nymegen, which shows a Bolognese influence and anticipates the mood of the Rococo style. Coypel's style evolved in an eclectic fashion. His admiration of Rubens (Rubens, Peter Paul) emerged in his Democritus (1692), and soon afterward the influence of Poussin (Poussin, Nicolas) was felt. This combination of influence is seen in Coypel's most noted worksa series of large biblical compositions. Coypel became director of the Academy in 1714 and was appointed first painter to the king in the following year.

      The Grand Dauphin, Louis XIV's brother, commissioned the artist to paint a series of panels in 1700 illustrating the story of Cupid and Psyche; these works show some of the lightness of Rococo work but with a heavy measure of Baroque. In 1702 the Duke of Orléans commissioned Coypel to decorate the big gallery of the Palais Royal with illustrations from the story of Aeneas; the ceiling is an outstanding example of the Baroque style in French art. Coypel's ceiling for the chapel of Versailles in 1708 is even bolder; in it the artist follows a Roman Baroque model. He is also noted for several engravings (e.g., Judith, The Virgin and Child).

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