Confrérie de la Passion

Confrérie de la Passion

French theatre
English  Confraternity of the Passion 

      association of amateur actors drawn from the merchants and craftsmen of Paris, for the presentation of religious plays. In 1402 Charles VI granted them permission to produce mystery plays in the city, and their seasonal performances came to be highly regarded. Their privileges were renewed in 1518, with the consequence that none outside the Confrérie could organize plays, thus giving them a monopoly over all acting in Paris.

      In the years that followed, however, their performances came under increasing attack from churchmen, who protested the liberties taken with religious subjects. The confraternity was accused of adding apocryphal matter to the plays to make them longer and of introducing indecent farces and pantomimes into their productions. It was also charged that they had extended their playing season until it lasted six or seven months, keeping the people from their business. Driven from their first hall as a result of these scandals, the confraternity built a new theatre, the Hôtel de Bourgogne, completed in 1548. In the same year, however, they were forbidden to perform religious plays and gradually gave up acting altogether, preferring to lease the theatre to traveling companies. They eventually acquired a permanent company that remained with the Hôtel de Bourgogne until 1673, when it left to merge with other companies that were later to form the Comédie-Française.

      The confraternity's monopoly on acting in Paris continued to hinder professional acting companies until 1595, when provincial actors were permitted to perform at the fairs of Saint-Germain and Saint-Laurent. The association was finally dissolved by an edict in 1676.

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Universalium. 2010.

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