

former province, France
also called  Comtat, or Venaissin,  

      former province of France and papal enclave, bounded on the north and northeast by Dauphiné, on the south by the Durance River, on the east by Provence, and on the west by the Rhône River. It comprises the present département of Vaucluse. Its capital was Carpentras. Comtat-Venaissin is a picturesque territory, varying in scenery between the foothills of the Alps and large plains, which are irrigated by canals supplied by the Rhône, Durance, and Sorgue rivers.

      The Comtat-Venaissin (Comitatus Venassinus), the territory of the Gallic people known as the Cavares, subsequently belonged to the counts of Provence and then to the counts of Toulouse. Ceded to the pope in 1218 by Raymond VII, count of Toulouse, and again in 1274 by Philip the Bold, it was not united to France until 1791, during the French Revolution.

      The town of Avignon, anciently distinct from the Comtat-Venaissin, was incorporated in it by Pope Clement VI at the beginning of the 14th century. Avignon, a bishopric since the 1st century AD, became an archbishopric in 1475. Carpentras was a bishopric from 483 until 1805.

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