computer-aided engineering
- computer-aided engineering
in industry,
the integration of design and manufacturing into a system under the direct control of digital computers.
CAE combines the use of computers in industrial-
design work,
aided design (
with their use in manufacturing operations,
aided manufacturing (
This integrated process is commonly called CAD/
CAD systems generally consist of a computer with one or more terminals featuring video monitors and interactive graphics-
input devices;
they can be used to design such things as machine parts,
patterns for clothing,
or integrated circuits.
CAM Systems involve the use of numerically controlled machine tools and high-
programmable industrial robots.
In a CAE system,
drawings developed and revised during the design process are converted directly into instructions for the production machines that will manufacture the desired object.
CAE systems reduce the time needed to develop new products and increase productivity by optimizing production flow and scheduling and by providing greater flexibility in altering machine operations.
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Computer-aided engineering — (dt. rechnergestützte Entwicklung), abgekürzt CAE, umfasst alle Varianten der Computerunterstützung von Arbeitsprozessen in der Technik: CAD (computer aided design, rechnerunterstützte Konstruktion) Digital Mock Up (DMU, Ein und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Computer-Aided Engineering — [dt. »computerunterstützte Entwicklung«], CAE … Universal-Lexikon
Computer-aided engineering — Nonlinear static analysis of a 3D structure subjected to plastic deformations Computer aided engineering (CAE) is the broad usage of computer software to aid in engineering tasks.[1][2] … Wikipedia
Computer-aided engineering — CAE (англ. Computer aided engineering) общее название для программ и программных пакетов, предназначенных для решения различных инженерных задач: расчётов, анализа и симуляции физических процессов. Расчётная часть пакетов чаще всего… … Википедия
computer-aided engineering — kompiuterinis konstravimas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. CAE; computer aided engineering vok. CAE; rechnergestütztes Engineering, n rus. компьютеризованное конструирование, n pranc. I.A.O.; ingénierie assistée par ordinateur, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Computer Aided Engineering — Zu diesem Stichwort gibt es keinen Artikel. Möglicherweise ist „computer aided engineering“ gemeint. Kategorie: Wikipedia:Falschschreibung … Deutsch Wikipedia
computer-aided engineering — /kəmˌpjutər eɪdəd ɛndʒəˈnɪərɪŋ/ (say kuhm.pyoohtuhr ayduhd enjuh nearring) noun engineering which uses computers to assist especially in the collection and analysis of data but also in the production of graphics as in computer aided design. Also …
computer-aided engineering — use of computers during the planning design and analysis of engineering projects, CAE … English contemporary dictionary
Electrical Computer Aided Engineering — Als Electrical Computer Aided Engineering (oft auch nur ECAE oder E CAE) bezeichnet man die Computerunterstützung von Arbeitsprozessen in der Elektrotechnik. Sie bildet eine Spezialisierung des computer aided engineering auf elektrotechnische… … Deutsch Wikipedia
computer-assisted engineering — UK US noun [U] (also computer aided engineering) ► IT, PRODUCTION CAE(Cf. ↑CAE) … Financial and business terms