commedia erudita

commedia erudita

Italian dramatic form
      (Italian:learned comedy”), 16th-century Italian dramatic form that, unlike its theatrical contemporary, the vernacular and improvisational commedia dell'arte, followed scripts written in Latin or Italian that were based on the scholarly works of earlier Italian and ancient Roman authors. Because the language used in the commedia erudita was not easily comprehensible to the general public, these plays were performed for the nobility, usually by nonprofessional actors (dilettanti). Sources for commedia erudita included the comedies of the Roman dramatists Plautus and Terence and works of the 14th-century Italian humanist Giovanni Boccaccio. Other dramas were contributed by Ludovico Ariosto (Ariosto, Ludovico), considered the best writer of early Italian vernacular comedy and a principal figure in the establishment of this literary form; the philosopher-playwright Giambattista della Porta (Porta, Giambattista della), author of a number of stinging satires; and Niccolò Machiavelli, whose La mandragola (1524; “The Mandrake”) was one of the outstanding comedies of the century.

      Themes, motifs, situations, and the use of stock characters by the commedia erudita greatly influenced the commedia dell'arte, whose repertoires, especially in northern Italy, resembled the commedia erudita in their tight structures based on the three dramatic unities (time, place, action).

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Universalium. 2010.

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