

ancient Roman military organization
      (Latin:retinue”), in ancient Republican Rome, an elite company of one of the army commanders. A comitatus was formed in the assembly when one of the leading men announced that he needed followers to accompany him on a foray into enemy territory. Those who were attracted by the proposal, usually the more well-to-do warriors, would volunteer their services. At that time the relationship between leader and followers, who were called comites (“companions”), was a temporary one, lasting only for the duration of the raid. Later, the arrangement became permanent; the leader fed the comitatus and kept the company about him in peace as well as in war. He supplied the members with their weapons and horses and shared with them the spoils of war. A military force was thus established over which the other warriors had little or no control. Members of the comitatus were willing to fight to the death for their leader; it was a disgrace for them to survive him.

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  • COMITATUS — Aula Imperatoria, Palatium, locus ubi Imperator morabatur, seu, ut definit Anianus, ad leg. 20. Cod. Theodos. de Decurion. Ubi rerum Domini fuerint: a Comitibus dictus, h. e. Curiae Proceribus, seu Amicis interioribus. Sic enim novum Comitem… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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  • Comitātus — (lat.), 1) Begleitung, Gefolge; 2) Suite des Kaisers, der Hof, auch das Hoflager; daher Comitatenses, die Mitglieder des Gefolges; 3) Würde eines Comes (s.d.); 4) so v. w. Comitat …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Comitātus — (lat.), Begleitung, Gefolge; auch Würde eines Comes (s.d. und Komitat) …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Comitatus — Comitātus (lat.), s. Komitat …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Comitatus —   [lateinisch] der, / , das Grafenamt, später (etwa seit dem 7. Jahrhundert) auch die Grafschaft, der Amtsbezirk eines fränkischen Comes (Graf).   …   Universal-Lexikon

  • comitatus — Latin collective of comes, comitem companion (see COUNT (Cf. count) (n.)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Comitatus — À partir du IVe siècle, l armée romaine subit de profondes transformations. Les changements apportés par Gallien et par Dioclétien, sont amplifiés sous le règne de Constantin. L armée de campagne constituée prend le nom de comitatus (du… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Comitatus — 1) Latin word = company, used to refer to the close companions of a lord or king. The usage is a 19c reapplication of the word comitatus, taken from the description in Germania by Tacitus (d. 120) of the Germanic warrior band loyal to their lord …   Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases

  • Comitatus — Die ungarischen Komitate von 1867 bis 1918 Die aktuellen ungarischen Komitate Komitat ist eine deutsche Bezeichnung für die regionalen Verwaltungseinheiten …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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