

king of Athens
      traditionally the last king of Athens, but there is some doubt as to whether he was a historical personage. According to the legend, Codrus was the son of Melanthus of Pylos, who went to Attica as a refugee from the Dorian invaders (11th century BC). By defeating the Athenians' enemies, the Boeotians, Melanthus won acceptance as king of Athens. After Codrus succeeded to his father's throne, Attica was invaded by the Dorians. The oracle of Delphi prophesied that only the death of the Athenian king at the hands of the Dorians could ensure victory for the Athenians. Codrus, therefore, went disguised into the enemy's camp and provoked a quarrel, in which he was killed. On discovering his identity, the Dorians retreated. Believing that no one was worthy to succeed Codrus, the Athenians abolished the title of king, substituting that of archon. Another version of the legend, however, claims that his son Medon was the last king of Athens. The royal families of Ionia (Greek area on the west coast of Asia Minor), as well as the Medontidae, a leading family of Athens, claimed descent from Codrus.

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