Clovio, Giulio

Clovio, Giulio

Italian painter and priest
born 1498, Grižane, Croatia, Hung.
died January 1578, Rome, Papal States [Italy]
 Italian miniature painter and priest.

      Clovio is said to have studied at Rome under Giulio Romano and at Verona under Girolamo de' Libri. His book of 26 pictures representing the procession of Corpus Domini, in Rome, was the work of nine years, and the covers were executed by Benvenuto Cellini. The British Museum has his 12 miniatures of the victories of the emperor Charles V. A manuscript life of Federico, duke of Urbino, in the Vatican Library, is superbly illustrated by him, and many other works are doubtfully attributed to him. He sometimes exceeded the limitations of his medium in attempts to sustain the art of illumination.

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