Clough, Arthur Hugh

Clough, Arthur Hugh

British poet

born Jan. 1, 1819, Liverpool
died Nov. 13, 1861, Florence
 poet whose work reflects the perplexity and religious doubt of mid-19th century England. He was a friend of Matthew Arnold (Arnold, Matthew) and the subject of Arnold's commemorative elegyThyrsis.”

      While at Oxford, Clough had intended to become a clergyman, but his increasing religious skepticism caused him to leave the university. He became head of University Hall, London, in 1849, and in 1852, at the invitation of Ralph Waldo Emerson, he spent several months lecturing in Massachusetts. He later worked as a government education official and helped his wife's first cousin, Florence Nightingale (Nightingale, Florence), in her philanthropic work. While on a visit to Italy he contracted malaria and died at age 42.

      Clough's deeply critical and questioning attitude made him as doubtful of his own powers as he was about the spirit of his age, and he gave his contemporaries the impression of promise unfulfilled, especially since he left the bulk of his verse unpublished. Nonetheless, Clough's Poems (1862) proved so popular that they were reprinted 16 times within 40 years of his death. His best verse has a flavour that is closer to the taste and temper of the 20th century than to the Victorian age, however. Among his works are Bothie of Tober-na-Vuolich (1848) and Amours de Voyage (1858), poems written in classical hexameters and dealing with romantic love, doubt, and social conflict. The long, incomplete poem Dipsychus most fully expresses Clough's doubts about the social and spiritual developments of his era, while his sharpest criticisms of Victorian moral complacency are found inThe Latest Decalogue:

Thou shalt not kill, but need'st not strive
Officiously to keep alive.

      The Poems of Arthur Hugh Clough (1974), edited by F.L. Mulhauser, is the standard edition of Clough's work.

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  • Clough, Arthur Hugh — (1819 1861)    Poet, s. of a cotton merchant in Liverpool, he spent his childhood in America, but was sent back to England for his education, which he received at Rugby and Oxf. While at the Univ., where he was tutor and Fellow of Oriel, he fell… …   Short biographical dictionary of English literature

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  • Arthur Clough — Arthur Hugh Clough Arthur Hugh Clough (Liverpool, 1er janvier 1819 Florence, 13 novembre 1861) est un poète anglais de l époque victorienne, d une modernité de ton inhabituelle pour l époque. Il est également le frère de Anne Jemima Clough (1820… …   Wikipédia en Français

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