Cleidocranial dysostosis — Classification and external resources Hypoplasia of the clavicles and bell shaped rib cage in the patient with CDD ICD 10 Q … Wikipedia
Cleidocranial dysostosis — A genetic (inherited) disorder of bone development characterized by: {{}}Absent or incompletely formed collar bones (the “cleido “ part refers to the clavicles, the collar bones) The child with this disorder can bring its shoulders together or… … Medical dictionary
cleidocranial dysostosis — a congenital defect of bone formation in which the skull bones ossify imperfectly and the collar bones (clavicles) are absent … The new mediacal dictionary
Cleidocranial dysplasia — A genetic (inherited) disorder of bone development characterized by: {{}}Absent or incompletely formed collar bones (the “cleido “ part refers to the clavicles, the collar bones) The child with this disorder can bring its shoulders together or… … Medical dictionary
Дизостоз Ключично-Черепной (Cleidocranial Dysostosis) — врожденный дефект образования костей, при котором кости черепа окостеневают не полностью, а ключицы отсутствуют. Источник: Медицинский словарь … Медицинские термины
CCD (cleidocranial dysostosis) — A genetic (inherited) disorder of bone development characterized by: {{}}Absent or incompletely formed collar bones (the “cleido “ part refers to the clavicles, the collar bones) The child with this disorder can bring its shoulders together or… … Medical dictionary
dysostosis — SYN: dysosteogenesis. [dys + G. osteon, bone, + osis, condition] acrofacial d. mandibulofacial d. associated with malformations of the extremities such as defective radius and thumbs, and radioulnar synostosis. SEE ALSO: Treacher Collins syndrome … Medical dictionary
Dysostosis, cleidocranial — A genetic (inherited) disorder of bone development characterized by: {{}}Absent or incompletely formed collar bones (the “cleido “ part refers to the clavicles, the collar bones) The child with this disorder can bring its shoulders together or… … Medical dictionary
CLCD — cleidocranial dysostosis … Medical dictionary
CLCD — • cleidocranial dysostosis … Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations