Clari, Giovanni Carlo Maria
- Clari, Giovanni Carlo Maria
▪ Italian composer
born Sept. 27, 1677, Pisa [Italy]
died May 16, 1754, Pisa
Italian composer whose vocal music was admired by Luigi Cherubini, G.F. Handel, and Charles Avison.
A pupil of G.
Colonna at Bologna,
Clari held positions as chapelmaster in Bologna,
and Pisa.
He was mainly known for his vocal duets and trios with basso continuo,
some of them first published in Italy in 1720.
They combined graceful melody with contrapuntal learning and gained great popularity in England during the 18th century.
Handel (
Handel, George Frideric)
made considerable use of them for thematic material.
Clari also composed two operas (
music lost for both),
Il savio delirante (
1695; “
The Delirious Sage”)
and Il principe corsaro (
1717; “
The Pirate Prince”);
11 oratorios;
and church music.
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