Civilis, Gaius Julius

Civilis, Gaius Julius

Roman military officer
flourished 1st century AD

      Batavi chieftain and a Roman army officer who led a rebellion on the Rhine frontier against Roman rule in AD 6970. His story is known only from Tacitus' vivid account.

      Civilis was suspected of disloyalty by Aulus Vitellius (Vitellius, Aulus) when the latter was acclaimed emperor in January 69. Later that year a supporter of the rival emperor, Vespasian, urged Civilis to prevent German reinforcements from reaching Vitellius. Civilis complied, inducing the Batavi, followed by German tribes across the Rhine, to attack the Roman legions. He won control of the region and after the death of Vitellius continued the revolt against Vespasian.

      The Gallic tribes who joined Civilis proclaimed a Gallic empire. Vetera was burned along with all Roman camps north of Mogontiacum (now Mainz). Some of the Roman soldiers were forced to swear allegiance to the new regime, and others were massacred. Reinforced troops, however, entered Mogontiacum, and the tide turned in favour of Rome. Civilis and the other rebel generals made their last stand on the Batavianislandacross the Vahalis (now Waal) River. He was evidently allowed to surrender on favourable terms, but nothing further is known of him.

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