Cino Da Pistoia

Cino Da Pistoia

Italian author
original name Cino Dei Sighibuldi
born c. 1270, , Pistoia, near Florence [Italy]
died 1336/37, Pistoia

      Italian jurist, poet, and prose writer whose poetry, written in the dolce stil nuovo (“sweet new style”), was admired by Dante and was a great influence on Petrarch.

      Born into an aristocratic Pistoian family, Cino studied law at the University of Bologna. He became involved in Pistoian politics and was exiled for six years, after which he became ambassador to Florence. A supporter of Henry VII on his coming to Italy in 1310 to be crowned Holy Roman emperor, Cino returned to law studies when Henry died in 1313. With the completion of his highly praised Latin commentary, Lectura in Codicem (“Studies on the Code”), on the first nine books of Justinian's Codex Constitutionum, Cino received his doctorate in law (1314) at the University of Bologna and then taught law at the universities of Siena, Bologna, Florence, Perugia, and Naples. In 1334 he returned to Pistoia, where he spent the rest of his life.

      One of the most prolific of the dolce stil nuovo (q.v.) poets, Cino is generally considered inferior to others of the school, such as his close friends Guido Cavalcanti and Dante, despite the fact that in De vulgari eloquentia (“Of Eloquence in the Vulgar Tongue”) Dante calls him the best Italian love poet, a judgment not held by later critics. Some of his poems are biographical, such as his canzoni to Dante on the death of Beatrice. Most of them, however, have been praised for their gracefulness rather than for their content or emotional depth. Petrarch called Cino his master, wrote a poem mourning his death, and, most important, used some of his themes as starting points for his own verse.

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