

      Mayan Indians of Oaxaca and Tabasco states in southeastern Mexico. They are linguistically closely related to the Chol, to the south, and to the Chortí, of eastern Guatemala. The Chontal and Chol also share a similar environment and culture. Rainfall is heavy and the climate humid. The Chontal grow corn (maize), beans, and squash as staple crops and weave palm-leaf fibre into strips used for making hats. The making of hats is of great economic importance to the region. Other crafts have for the most part died out. Chontal houses are built of poles or lumber with palm thatch roofs, sometimes plastered with mud or covered with lime.

      Their religion is Roman Catholic, centred on the worship of patron saints. Annual fiestas celebrate saints' days. The church also serves as a sort of community centre. Dwarfs are also venerated; these appear to correspond to pagan mountain and forest deities. Early 21st-century estimates of Chontal population range from approximately 50,000 to more than 74,000.

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Universalium. 2010.

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