

 Cariban-speaking Indian people of the Panamanian and Colombian lowlands. The Northern Chocó, the most populous, live in villages along the lower reaches of rivers flowing into the Golfo de San Miguel (in Panama) and the rivers of Colombia's Pacific coast; the Southern Chocó are concentrated around the Río San José; and the Catio inhabit the eastern portions of the Atrato valley.

      Chocó villages consist of round dwellings on piles, usually along rivers. The Chocó practice shifting horticulture, the slash-and-burn pattern common throughout much of tropical America. Unlike most of their neighbours, the Chocó grow only food crops. They also hunt with bow and arrow and with blowgun and poisoned darts.

      Chocó society is organized around the household, the oldest male being head spokesman. Because of shifting residence resulting from the ownership of fields by both men and women and because of the necessity of living near these fields, the members of the household are not always the same. The Chocó have legends of battles with the neighbouring Kuna; and they were successful in repulsing the Spanish on several occasions in the 17th century.

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Universalium. 2010.

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