Childeric II

Childeric II

Merovingian king

born 649
died , between Sept. 10 and Nov. 15, 675, Chelles, Fr.

      Merovingian king of Austrasia and briefly of all the Frankish lands.

      The second son of Clovis II, Childeric became king of Austrasia in 662 on the death of Childebert the Adopted, a usurper and the son of Grimoald. He reigned under the joint control of Himnechildis, the mother of Dagobert II, whose right to the throne Childebert had usurped, and of Wulfoald, mayor of the palace. When Childeric's older brother Chlotar III, king of Neustria and of Burgundy, died in 673, the Neustrian mayor of the palace, Ebroïn, tried to introduce Childeric's younger brother, Theodoric III, as Chlotar's successor. But the Neustrian magnates, whom Ebroïn had not consulted about the succession, appealed to Wulfoald and Childeric II and swiftly deposed Theodoric. Childeric thus became master of Neustria and Burgundy as well as of Austrasia.

      Childeric was the last Merovingian to attempt to exercise authority, but he lacked political ability. A party hostile to Austrasian rule developed in Neustria, and Childeric was assassinated.

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Universalium. 2010.

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