Chibchan languages

Chibchan languages

      a group of South American Indian languages that were spoken before CE 1500 in the area now comprising Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, western Colombia, and Ecuador. A now extinct Chibchan language sometimes known as Muisca was the language of a powerful Indian empire with its centre near Bogotá. Important present-day Chibchan languages include Guaymí and Move in Panama, Kuna and Páez in Colombia, and Chachi and Tsáchila in Ecuador. Some scholars classify a number of minor languages of Central and South America together with Chibchan in a Macro-Chibchan stock.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Chibchan — /chib cheuhn/, n. a family of languages indigenous to Central America, Colombia, and Ecuador. [1905 10; CHIBCH(A) + AN] * * * …   Universalium

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