- linedrive
line drive
n. Baseball
A batted ball hit sharply so that it flies low and fast, usually in a straight line.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
San Francisco Giants — gegründet 1883 Abkürzung SF … Deutsch Wikipedia
Maneesh Agrawala — (born 1973) is an associate professor at the University of California, Berkeley,[1] in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, where he leads the Visualization Lab.[2][3] He received a MacArthur Foundation Fellowship in… … Wikipedia
MXR — MXR, also known as MXR Innovations, was a manufacturer of guitar effects units, co founded in 1973 by Keith Barr (who went on to found Alesis) and Terry Sherwood (who went on to co found Applied Research Technology).[1] MXR was based in the… … Wikipedia
LSU Tigers baseball — Infobox College baseball team name = LSU Tigers founded = 1893 logo = logo size = university = Louisiana State University conference = Southeastern Conference conference short = SEC division = West city = Baton Rouge stateabb = LA state =… … Wikipedia