Chettle, Henry

Chettle, Henry

English dramatist
born c. 1560
died c. 1607

      English dramatist, one among many of the versatile, popular writers of the Elizabethan Age.

      Chettle began his career as a printer and associated with such literary men as Robert Greene (Greene, Robert) and Thomas Nashe (Nashe, Thomas). He prepared for posthumous publication Greenes Groats-Worth of Witte (1592), with its reference to Shakespeare (Shakespeare, William) as anupstart Crow,” but offered Shakespeare compliments and an olive branch in his own Kind-Harts Dreame (1592), a topical satire framed in a dream fable. Chettle's Piers Plainnes Seaven Yeres Prentiship (1595) is a picaresque romance. Francis Meres (Meres, Francis), in Palladis Tamia (1598), commends him asone of our best for comedy,” and between 1598 and 1603 Chettle is known to have had a hand in 49 plays. Of these only five were published: The Downfall of Robert, Earle of Huntington (1601), a play mainly by Anthony Munday (Munday, Anthony), revised by Chettle; The Death of Robert, Earle of Huntington (1601), written with Munday; The Pleasant Comodie of Patient Grissill (1603), with Thomas Dekker (Dekker, Thomas) and William Haughton; the posthumously published The Blind-Beggar Of Bednal-Green (1600, printed 1659), with John Day; and the revenge (revenge tragedy) play The Tragedy of Hoffman (printed 1631), which is the only extant play attributed to Chettle alone.

Additional Reading
Harold Jenkins, The Life and Work of Henry Chettle (1934).

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