Chessman, Caryl

Chessman, Caryl

American criminal
born May 27, 1921, St. Joseph, Mich., U.S.
died May 2, 1960, San Quentin, Calif.

      American criminal whose writings during 12 years on death row made him the symbol of an enduring controversy over capital punishment.

      Chessman had been sent to reform school and the county jail four times before he was sentenced in March 1941 to San Quentin prison for a term of 16 years to life on several counts of robbery, assault, and attempted murder. He escaped from prison in 1943 but was recaptured in 1944; he was paroled in December 1947. On Jan. 23, 1948, he was arrested as the accusedRed Light Bandit,” who, posing as a policeman in a car with a red spotlight, had robbed couples in Los Angeles' lovers' lanes; twice the bandit had kidnapped women and forced them at gunpoint to commit acts ofsexual perversion.” Chessman protested his innocence and conducted his own defense, but on May 18 he was sentenced to deathdeath then being the punishment for kidnapping in California if the victim was physically harmed.

      In the following years Chessman made numerous legal appeals and wrote four booksCell 2455, Death Row (1954; expanded ed. 1960), Trial by Ordeal (1955), The Face of Justice (1957), and The Kid Was a Killer (1960), a novelthat brought his case to widespread public attention. (Cell 2455, Death Row was also filmed.)

      His last reprieve was granted Feb. 19, 1960, by the governor of California. During the reprieve the California state legislature refused to substitute mandatory life imprisonment for capital punishment, and Chessman was executed in the gas chamber in the California State Prison at San Quentin.

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