Charbonnages de France

Charbonnages de France

French firm
      state-owned French coal-mining and processing company. Headquarters are in Paris.

      The company grew out of a general trend following World War II in which many postwar European governments became actively involved in economic planning and state investment in industry. Coal had long been a traditional energy source in France and the coalfields were major employers in many regions of the country, especially the Ruhr Valley. But in the postwar period the European coal industry was plagued with problems. Much mining equipment was obsolete, worn out, or had been damaged in the war. Coal demand, and therefore coal prices, were low because industrial production had not returned to prewar levels. Oil and gas were also beginning to replace coal as a heat source. Private industry was unable to make the investment necessary to modernize the industry but the government considered coal an essential resource and feared massive unemployment in the coal-producing regions, so it moved to take over the coalfields.

      In 1944 France's postwar government nationalized the country's most productive coalfield, the Nord Pas de Calais, located in the Ruhr region. In 1946 Charbonnages de France was formed and all but a few of the coalfields which still remained in private hands were nationalized.

      Nominally, the company is governed by a tripartite board made up of government, labour, and consumer representatives, though historically government representatives have dominated the board's decision-making process. The French government also coordinates coal production and marketing decisions with the European Economic Community (EEC), which closely monitors the coal market in Europe.

      In the mid-1960s European demand for coal fell precipitously and the French government began phasing down coal production. Some of the Charbonnages resources were reinvested in chemical production and electric power generation. The company also is involved in providing building and construction materials.

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Universalium. 2010.

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