cervical erosion

cervical erosion

      ulceration of the lining of the uterine (uterine cervix) cervix made evident by bright red or pink spots around its opening. The cervix is the part of the uterus (womb) whose tip projects into the upper region of the vagina.

      In the earliest stage of erosion, patches of mucous membrane are shed from the cervix. The following stages are usually associated with different degrees of healing. The primary lesion shows an ulcer; (ulcer) its surface lacks mucous membrane, the tissue is granular, and there may be many white blood cells and bacteria associated with it. Soon after the ulcer erupts, the body starts repairs by covering the exposed area with a new epithelial (covering) layer. An erosion may heal completely or partially or may recur. The erosion does not totally heal until the infection and discharge that caused it originally are eradicated.

      Erosions are most prevalent in women during their menstrual years, in those who have had children, and during cervical or vaginal infections. They are less common in virgins and in older women who have experienced menopause. The erosion itself is relatively insignificant; occasionally, however, it may precede cervical cancer.

      Extensive erosions can involve part of the surrounding vaginal wall. As the ulcer heals, it acquires patches of pinkish-tan epithelium (covering), which form small islands over the eroded area. The small islands eventually grow together, giving the lesion an uneven contour. There are mucous glands in the cervical tissue that lead to the surface of the epithelium; if these ducts are covered or blocked, the glands fill with retained fluids, causing small cysts.

      Erosions that bleed on trauma or have an irregular, bumpy (papillate) surface are generally regarded as of the more hazardous variety. Most smooth, round erosions do not require treatment, for they heal by themselves when the cause is removed. Larger erosions are lightly cauterized in spots to stimulate epithelial growth. Erosions found to be cancerous are usually removed surgically. Removal of part or all of the cervix does not prevent fertilization and childbearing.

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