Castelvetro, Lodovico

Castelvetro, Lodovico

Italian critic
born c. 1505, , Modena, Duchy of Modena
died Feb. 21, 1571, Chiavenna, Swiss Confederation

      a dominant literary critic of the Italian Renaissance, particularly noted for his translation of and independently rendered conclusions from Aristotle's Poetics, in which he defended the dramatic unities of time, place, and action, as well as the use of poetry for pleasure alone; he thereby helped set the critical norms for drama in the Renaissance and the French Neoclassical period.

      Nobly born, Castelvetro was a law student in Bologna, Ferrara, and Padua, then began studies of literature in Siena. After living for a time in Rome, Castelvetro returned to Modena and became prominent in literary circles and as a teacher of law. A quarrel with the poet Annibale Caro, initiated by Castelvetro's criticism of one of Caro's canzoni, erupted into a major literary feud that led in 1560 to Castelvetro's summons to Rome by the Inquisition, his subsequent flight from Italy, and his excommunication.

      Castelvetro then lived in France and in Vienna, where his work on the Poetics of Aristotle, called La poetica di Aristotele vulgarizzata (“Aristotle's Poetics Popularized”), was published in 1570. Though often erroneous in transmitting Aristotle's ideas, La poetica was extremely influential in the history of drama and of criticism. Castelvetro emphasized realism in drama, clarified the distinction between rhetoric and poetry, and defended poetry as a means of pleasure aloneas opposed to the earlier opinion that poetry should instruct as well as delight. Another critical notion that Castelvetro took issue with was the Platonic concept that poets are possessed with a divine sort of madness. Castelvetro asserted that this was a myth perpetuated by the ignorant masses and by poets themselves.

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