Cassius Longinus, Gaius

Cassius Longinus, Gaius

Roman jurist
flourished 1st century AD

      prominent Roman jurist, a pupil of the famous jurist Massurius Sabinus, with whom he founded a legal school.

      Cassius was consul in AD 30, proconsul of Asia in 4041, and governor of Syria in 4549. Banished by the emperor Nero in 65, he was recalled by the emperor Vespasian (reigned 6979) and died at an advanced age. Extracts from his chief work, the Libri juris civilis, in 10 books, were incorporated into the Digest issued by the 6th-century Byzantine emperor Justinian I.

Roman quaestor
died 42 BC, near Philippi, Macedonia [now in Greece]

      prime mover in the conspiracy to assassinate Julius Caesar in 44 BC.

      Little is known of his early life. As a quaestor in 53 BC, Cassius served under Marcus Licinius Crassus and saved the remnants of the Roman army defeated by the Parthians at Carrhae (modern Harran, Turkey). For the next two years he successfully repelled the Parthian attacks on Syria. Cassius became tribune in 49, and the outbreak of the civil war between Caesar (Caesar, Julius) and the Optimates in that year saved him from being brought to trial for extortion in Syria. In that war he at first commanded part of the fleet of Caesar's opponent, Pompey the Great. After Pompey was decisively defeated by Caesar at Pharsalus in Thessaly (48), Cassius was reconciled to Caesar, who made him one of his legates.

      In 44 Cassius became praetor peregrinus and was promised the governorship of Syria for the following year. The appointment of his junior, Marcus Junius Brutus (Brutus, Marcus Junius), as praetor urbanus deeply offended him, and he became one of the busiest conspirators against Caesar, taking a very active part in the assassination. Forced by popular resentment to withdraw from Rome after the murder, he left Italy for Syria, where he raised a large army and defeated Publius Cornelius Dolabella, to whom the province had been assigned by the Senate. When in 43 the Caesarian leaders Mark Antony, Octavian (later the emperor Augustus), and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus formed the Second Triumvirate, Cassius and his fellow conspirator, Brutus, combined their armies, crossed the Hellespont, marched through Thrace, and encamped near Philippi in Macedonia. Their intention was to starve out the enemy, but they were forced into an engagement. Brutus was successful against Octavian, but Cassius, defeated by Mark Antony, gave up all for lost and ordered his freedman to slay him. He was lamented by Brutus asthe last of the Romansand buried at Thasos. (He had married Brutus' half-sister Junia Tertia, who lived until AD 22.)

      Cassius was a man of considerable ability and a good soldier, but in politics he was actuated by vanity and ambition and had an uncontrollable temper and sharp tongue. His portrait in William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, though vivid, is scarcely historical.

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Universalium. 2010.

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