

      city, east-central Costa Rica. Lying at 4,720 feet (1,439 metres) above sea level, the city is located on the fertile Central Plateau, at the foot of Irazú Volcano. Cartago was founded in 1563 and was the capital of Costa Rica until 1823. No colonial buildings have survived, as the city has been damaged frequently by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The earthquake of 1910 was particularly destructive. In 196365 a series of eruptions from Irazú Volcano released floodwaters and mud slides onto the city, causing serious damage. The Basilica of Our Lady of the Angels, patroness of Costa Rica, with a famous black Madonna, is a much-frequented place of pilgrimage. Tourists also visit the Lankester Botanical Gardens, on the outskirts of Cartago, which contain hundreds of exotic orchid species and are operated as a research centre by the University of Costa Rica. The Technological Institute of Cartago (ITCR), founded in 1971, is one of the country's principal institutions for science and technology. Cartago is also known for its Sunday market. Nearby San José, the national capital, is accessible via the Inter-American Highway and the Costa Rica Railway. Pop. (2000 est.) 23,978.

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