

      estado (state), northwestern Venezuela, bounded north by the Caribbean Sea, and by the states of Aragua (east), Guárico and Cojedes (south), and Yaracuy (west). It has an area of 1,795 sq mi (4,650 sq km) and was named in commemoration of the battle that proved decisive in the Venezuelan independence movement. At the time the Spaniards conquered Venezuela, there were Indians known as the Carabobos.

      The state is important both agriculturally and industrially. Rice, cotton, corn (maize), tobacco, coffee, cocoa, and sugar are produced. The expanding dairy industry partly supplies the requirements of Caracas. Cattle from the Llanos (plains) are fattened on the pastures surrounding Lago (lake) de Valencia, which lies almost entirely within eastern Carabobo. One of the nation's main experiments in planned agricultural communities is carried on at Chirgua, where Venezuelans and immigrants work together. Cement, powdered milk, textiles, and shoes are manufactured in the state, primarily in Valencia, the state capital. There is a major petrochemical plant between Valencia and Puerto Cabello, one of the busiest Venezuelan ports. The state is well served by highways and airlines and has some rail facilities. Pop. (2007 est.) 2,226,982.

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Universalium. 2010.

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