

Italian stock character
 stock character of the Italian commedia dell'arte. He was the prototype of a pretentious but cowardly military man. One of the earliest of the commedia characters, he was a descendant of the Miles Gloriosus, the braggart soldier of ancient Roman comedy. An unsympathetic character, he was originally a parody of the French and Spanish mercenaries who overran 16th-century Italy. His blustering claims to wealth and military and amatory successes were exploded, often by the roguish asides of his squire and confidant. By the late 17th century Capitano had lost most of his political overtones and simply represented an arrogant boaster.

      The character of the Capitano had several different names that varied as different actors interpreted the role. In the late 16th century he was called Capitano Mattamoros (“Captain Death to the Moors”) and wore an immense starched ruff, wide plumed hat, and boots with scalloped edges. His mask was flesh-coloured and had an enormous protruding nose. Somewhat later the role of Capitano Spavento della Valle Inferno (“Captain Fearsome of Hell's Valley”) was created by another commedia dell'arte actor. Other names include Capitano Cocodrillo, Capitano Rodomante, and Capitano Rinoceronte.

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