Calixtus I, Saint

Calixtus I, Saint

also spelled  Callistus 
died 222, Rome [Italy]; feast day October 14

      pope from 217? to 222, during the schism of St. Hippolytus (Hippolytus of Rome, Saint), the church's first antipope. Little was known about Calixtus before the discovery of Philosophumena by Hippolytus, a work that is, in part, a pamphlet directed against him.

      Calixtus was originally a slave. He was denounced as a Christian by the Jews, who had him sentenced to the Sardinian mines. On his return he was pensioned by Pope St. Victor I. Later he was ordained deacon by Pope St. Zephyrinus (Zephyrinus, Saint) and probably became his chief counselor.

      After the death of Zephyrinus (217), Calixtus was elected pope but was opposed by his theological adversary Hippolytus, who attempted to supplant him and who accused him of favouring modalist, or Patripassian, doctrines, both before and after his election. (Calixtus, however, condemned and excommunicated Sabellius [fl. c. 215c. 220], the most prominent champion of modalistic monarchianism, called Sabellianism, a heretical doctrine that denied personal distinctions within the Godhead.) Hippolytus also accused him of certain relaxations of discipline: it appears that Calixtus reduced the penitential severities against fornication and adultery, which the church had previously regarded as irremissible except by God.

      Calixtus transferred the Roman Christian burial ground from the Via Salaria to the Via Appia (later called the Cemetery of Calixtus, and finally the Cemetery). His own burial place is on the Via Aurelia.

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Universalium. 2010.

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