- Cajetan of Thiene, Saint
▪ Catholic priestborn October 1480, Vicenza, Republic of Venicedied Aug. 7, 1547, Naples; canonized 1671; feast day August 7Venetian priest who co-founded the Theatine order and became an important figure of the Catholic Reformation.Receiving his doctorate in civil and canon law at Padua (1504), he was appointed a prothonotary (clerk) in the Roman Curia by Pope Julius II in 1506. Associated with the local Oratory of Divine Love in Rome, Cajetan was ordained in 1516 and continued the charitable works characteristic of the association. He revitalized oratories at Vicenza (1518) and at Verona (1519); at Venice (1522) he founded a hospital for the incurably ill and a local branch of the oratory.Returning to Rome in 1523, he met Archbishop Gian Pietro Carafa, the future Pope Paul IV, and they established (1524) the Congregation of Clerics Regular (Theatines) to further among diocesan priests the ideals of the Oratory of Divine Love. After Emperor Charles V sacked Rome, Carafa and Cajetan escaped to Venice in 1527. Following his dispatch (1533) as Theatine superior to Naples, Cajetan created at the Church of St. Paul Major (May 1538) a centre of Catholic reform. There, except for 1540–43, when he was at Venice, he remained until his death.
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Universalium. 2010.