Ca' da Mosto, Alvise

Ca' da Mosto, Alvise

Italian navigator
Ca' da Mosto also spelled  Cadamosto  
born 1432, Venice
died July 18, 1488, Venice

      Venetian traveler and nobleman, who wrote one of the earliest known accounts of western Africa.

      Accompanied by Italian explorer Antoniotto Usodimare and financed by Prince Henry the Navigator (Henry the Navigator), Ca' da Mosto set sail on March 22, 1455. He visited Madeira and the Canary Islands, and coasted along Africa past the mouth of the Senegal River. He ascended some distance up the Gambia River, but, finding the people hostile, he returned to Portugal.

      Ca' da Mosto's company appears to have been the first European expedition to reach the Cape Verde Islands, two of which he explored (1456) and found uninhabited. Returning to the African shore, he sailed south from the region of the Gambia to the coast of modern Guinea-Bissau. His account of the voyage contains an impressive study of Senegambian ethnography and slavery. He is credited with creating a portolan charta chart of sailing directionsfor the Mediterranean that was later widely used by Italian navigators.

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