Buol-Schauenstein, Karl Ferdinand, Graf von
- Buol-Schauenstein, Karl Ferdinand, Graf von
▪ foreign minister of Austria
born May 17, 1797, Regensburg, Germany
died October 28, 1865, Vienna, Austria
foreign minister (
of the Habsburg Austrian Empire,
whose policies led to the estrangement of Russia and the disintegration of the conservative Holy Alliance among Austria,
and Russia.
Entering the Austrian diplomatic service in 1816,
Buol was minister ambassador to Baden (
Württemberg (
Piedmont (
Russia (
and Great Britain (
Following the death of Prime Minister Felix,
Prince zu Schwarzenberg (
April 1852),
he was appointed minister of foreign affairs and chairman of the council of ministers for the empire. “
but neither broad nor deep”
in the view of Metternich (
the leading statesman of an earlier generation),
Buol little understood the rising Prussian threat to Austria'
s supremacy within the German confederation.
Determined to sever the “
Holy Alliance ties with both Prussia and Russia,
he attempted to reach an understanding with the two western powers France and England.
During the Crimean War (
Buol successfully effected Austrian military occupation of the Danubian principalities (
Moldavia and Walachia)—
traditionally a Russian sphere of influence—
failing to persuade the Habsburg emperor to enter the conflict against Russia,
he had to content himself with an official policy of neutrality.
Having secured little more than Austrian political isolation with his approach to the western powers,
he was forced from office in May 1859,
shortly after the opening of hostilities in Austria'
s ill-
fated war against Piedmont and France.
* * *
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