

Japanese artist

flourished 15th century, , Japan

      Zen Buddhist artist whose seal appears on five remarkable paintings, strong evidence that he painted them. Two of the paintings are official portraits of monks associated with the Daitoku Temple in Kyōto. They were painted about 1450 and are located in the temple. The other three paintings are a landscape in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts; an ink painting of the semilegendary Indian sage Vimalakīrti, who is called Yuima Koji by the Japanese (1457; in the Yamato Bunkakan in Nara); and a boldly executed ink drawing of the legendary three monks from a Buddhist tale, “The Laughers of Tiger Valley.” From the late 17th century until the second half of the 20th century, Bunsei was confused with the priest-painter Taikō Josetsu (late 14th and early 15th centuries); it is now widely believed that he was a priest at the Daitoku Temple and a pupil of Tenshō Shūbun, a prominent 15th-century priest-painter who also resided at the Daitoku Temple.

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