Brown, William Hill

Brown, William Hill

American author
born November 1765, Boston
died Sept. 2, 1793, Murfreesboro, N.C., U.S.

      novelist and dramatist whose anonymously published The Power of Sympathy, or the Triumph of Nature Founded in Truth (1789) is considered the first American novel. An epistolary novel about tragic, incestuous love, it followed the sentimental style developed by Samuel Richardson; its popularity began a flood of sentimental novels.

      The son of the Boston clockmaker who made the timepiece in Old South Church, Boston, Brown wrote the romantic taleHarriot, or the Domestic Reconciliation” (1789), which was published in the first issue of Massachusetts Magazine, and the play West Point Preserved (1797), a tragedy about the death of a Revolutionary spy. He also wrote a series of verse fables, a comedy in West Indies style (Penelope), essays, and a short second novel about incest and seduction, Ira and Isabella (published posthumously, 1807). Brown went south to study law and died shortly thereafter.

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