brown recluse

brown recluse

also called  violin spider 
 venomous light tan or yellow spider most common in the western and southern United States. It has a body length of about 7 mm (0.25 inch) and a leg span of about 2.5 cm (1 inch). On the front half of its body (the cephalothorax), it has a dark violin-shaped design, theneckof which is formed by a conspicuous furrow on the midline of its back. The spider's six eyes are arranged in two rows.

      The brown recluse has extended its range into parts of the northern United States. Its natural habitat is in caves, rodent burrows, and other protected environments. In buildings it is typically found in undisturbed locations such as attics, storage areas, and wall or ceiling voids. The venom of the brown recluse destroys the walls of blood vessels near the site of the bite, sometimes causing a large skin ulcer. The wound, which may require several months to heal, is occasionally fatal.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • brown recluse spider — a small, pale brown, venomous North American spider, Loxosceles reclusa, distinguished by a violin shaped marking near the head, found outdoors in rock niches or indoors in drawers or dark corners: its bite may cause deep skin ulcers that are… …   Universalium

  • brown recluse spider — noun also brown recluse Etymology: recluse probably from New Latin reclusa, specific epithet, from Late Latin, feminine of reclusus shut up; from its living chiefly in dark corners more at recluse : a venomous spider of the genus Loxosceles (L.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • brown recluse spider — brown′ rec′luse spi der n. ivt a pale brown, highly venomous North American spider, Loxosceles reclusa, distinguished by a dark violin shaped mark on the head region • Etymology: 1960–65 …   From formal English to slang

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