

Italian theatre
      stock character of the Italian commedia dell'arte; a roguish, quick-witted, opportunistic, and sometimes lascivious and cruel figure. Originally one of the comic servants, or zanni, of the commedia, Brighella was a jack-of-all-trades whose loyalty as a soldier, hangman's varlet, assassin, or gentleman's valet could be easily bought. Because of his almost sentimental view of love, though, the young lovers could trust him.

      Brighella's costume was suitably picaresque. The half mask of olive green with licentious eyes and a hooked nose was atop a rakish cavalier's mustache and a black shaggy beard. His jacket and full trousers were striped with green braid, and he wore a short cloak, a green bordered toque, and yellow shoes and belt; he carried a dagger that later became a wooden prop and a large leather purse.

      In the 16th and 17th centuries the role of Brighella was gradually reduced to that of an unreliable valet. By the 18th century he was scarcely more than a flunky dressed in the livery of the period and locale.

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  • Brighella — Brighella, ital. Charaktermaske eines pfiffigen Bedienten …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Brighella —   [bri gɛlɑ; zu italienisch briga »Mühe«, »Streit«] der, / s oder ...le, Maskentype der italienischen Commedia dell Arte: intriganter Diener in meist weiß grün gestreiftem Kostüm.   …   Universal-Lexikon

  • brighella — /bri gɛl:a/ s.m. [der. di brigare ], invar. 1. (con iniziale maiusc.) [maschera della commedia dell arte]. 2. (estens.) a. [persona astuta, che macchina intrighi] ▶◀ furbo, intrigante, (fam.) marpione. ◀▶ fesso, (fam.) pollo, sciocco. b. [persona …   Enciclopedia Italiana

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