Braun, Volker

Braun, Volker

German author
born May 7, 1939, Dresden, Ger.

      German author whose plays, fiction, and poetry reveal the deep divisions and oppositions that existed in socialist East Germany prior to German reunification in 1990.

      Initially forbidden to attend a university for political reasons, Braun was a construction worker and a machinist before he was admitted to Leipzig University, where he studied from 1960 to 1964. He then wrote and produced plays for the Berliner Ensemble (196566), Municipal Theatre, Leipzig (197172), and Deutsches Theater, Berlin (197277). In 1977 he returned to the Berliner Ensemble. The alienation of workers, the threat of political and economic stasis, and the failure of dull-witted leadership to achieve social ideals are the themes for his writings. Kunze and Hinze, a party hack and his chauffeur, are recurring Braun characters, appearing in the play Hinze und Kunze (1973), the story collection Berichte von Hinze und Kunze (1983; “An Account of Hinze and Kunze”), and the novel Hinze-Kunze-Roman (1985; “Hinze-Kunze Novel”). Braun examined the role of women in East German factories in the plays Tinka (1975) and Schmitten (1981); the early years of the Soviet Union are the subject of his plays Lenin's Tod (1983; “Lenin's Death”) and T. (1989).

      As the East German government came to an end in 1989, Braun was among the writers calling for its persistence as a socialist alternative to what he perceived as debased Western values. His later works include the poetry collection Lustgarten, Preussen (1996; “Pleasure Garden, Prussia”); the story collection Das Wirklichgewollte (2000; “What's Really Wanted”); and Das unbesetzte Gebiet (2004; “The Unoccupied Territory”), a work of fiction.

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