- Boulle, Pierre
▪ French authorborn Feb. 20, 1912, Avignon, Francedied Jan. 30, 1994, ParisFrench novelist who successfully combined adventure and psychology in works dealing largely with his experiences in Southeast Asia, especially in Malaya.Boulle studied to become an electrical engineer but instead went to Asia, where he spent eight years as a planter and soldier. He is best known for his novel Le Pont de la rivière Kwaï (1952; The Bridge on the River Kwai), dealing with a company of British soldiers taken prisoner by the Japanese in World War II. An ambiguous moral fable, it presents virtue gradually shading into vice—or, at least, absurdity—in its portrayal of a British officer whose self-discipline and work ethic compel him to complete a bridge for the enemy. A popular film based on the novel appeared in 1957 and won six Academy Awards, including that for best motion picture.From the legends of the Orient, Boulle created philosophical tales in the manner of Voltaire (Le Bourreau, 1954; U.S. title, The Executioner; U.K. title, The Chinese Executioner). Departing from the Asian setting, he turned to a literature of the fantastic, Contes de l'absurde (1953; “Stories of the Absurd”), and to science fiction, La Planète des singes (1963; Planet of the Apes; film adaptation, 1968) and E = mc2 (1957), which contains ironic but humane considerations of the fate of modern man caught in a political, social, and intellectual upheaval. Later works include Les Oreilles de jungle (1972; Ears of the Jungle), Les Vertus de l'enfer (1974; The Virtues of Hell), Le Bon Léviathan (1978; The Good Leviathan), Miroitements (1982; Mirrors of the Sun), La Baleine des Malovines (1983; U.S. title, The Whale of the Victoria Cross; U.K. title, The Falklands Whale), Pour l'amour de l'art (1985; “For the Love of Art”), Le Professeur Mortimer (1988), L'Îlon (1991; a volume of memoirs), and À nous deux, Satan! (1992).
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Universalium. 2010.